We are a global viral disciple making movement with a vision to initiate and establish the Habakkuk 2:14 mandate in every home, campus, city and continent, to initiate and establish an Invasion movement wherever people are, one person at a time, through the Small group system called Home churches or Campus cells and a vibrant children’s Bible club.
Our aim is to infiltrate the world system, one person, one community, one local government at a time with the gospel of Christ until the whole earth is filled the the knowledge of the glory of God as waters cover the seas.
Our Mandate
Habakkuk 2:14. “For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the Lord , As the waters cover the seas.”
We have a mandate to raise One million disciples by the year 2030. The strategy is to start invasion movements on campuses and in cities to plant discipleship centers through Home churches, Campus Cells, and Children’s clubs that become beacons of light wherever people are, until the whole earth is reached by the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Christ, discipling and training of men and deploying of skilful and committed laborers into the ripe harvest in the world.
Our Mission
Revelations 11:15 “The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.”
Our mission is to go into the harvest fields and discover, develop and deploy men to become soul winners and disciplers, as we invade all facets of life with the gospel of Christ. We raise consecrated men as disciples, disciplers and world class leaders, for the expansion of God’s kingdom and the work of the ministry on the campuses and in the cities of the earth.
The H2:14 Missionary Movement has 4 major branches with which it effectively executes its assignments.
Global City Light Mission. (GCLM)
Global Campus Invasion Mission (GCIM)
Global Missions Funds (GMF)
Global Missions Board. (GMB) (Recruitment, training, employment & deployment )
The H2:14 works with partnerships with large hearted individuals, institutions and other charity bodies to execute all missional assignments. Areas where partnerships are required are :