I remember how I started my supernatural prayer adventure while I was on campus in my second year at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. I struggled to pray in tongues, even though I believed in the power of prayer. However, my spiritual life took a new turn when I met my pastor and found my company. Click here to read up on my story in Act 29 Prayer Adventure. It was then I realized that one’s life will be at this exact spiritual spot except for the people around them, the quality of words you are exposed to, and the environment you subject yourself to.
Are you struggling to pray, do you need a prayer community, click here to join the Prayer Ark, an interdenominational 24 hours platform with a vision to raise end time prayer generals.

Prayer is a two-way communication between God and man. It is a platform for spiritual empowerment, partnership, and impartation. It is how we harness the innate potentials and possibilities within us. Prayer is a never-ending adventure that men must engage in as long as we are on this side of eternity. Great men pray! A prayer-less believer is a prey to the enemy, he is also useless to God and those around him because he can’t cover anything. Every believer has a praying mandate, prayer cannot be outsourced for it is our primary responsibility to pray. Prayer is the lifeline, power source, and engine room of a believer.

The greatest men on earth are not the richest nor the wisest but those who pray because without prayer nothing can be done, prayer generates power.
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
— James 5:16 (KJV)
Do you desire to take your prayer life to a whole new level, get consistent with your spiritual life, and get trained for destiny? Click here to register for the No Excuse Bootcamp. God needs yielded vessels, vessels He can flow through. Vessels of honor, He can express Himself through. Men that are willing to pour their lives out in service of God through prayer without looking
back. A dependable generation. It’s time to go deeper