Empowerment For World Harvest

Dominion College of Missions & Leadership Studies

The Dominion College of Missions & Leadership Studies is a ministry focused on training, equipping and empowering men and women for world harvest, through the teaching of God’s word and demonstrations of the Spirit of God and practical ministry exposure.

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” – Matthew 9:37‭-‬38.

The Dominion College of Missions & Leadership Studies is a well planned academy with a vision to prepare believers with all they need to be proof producers, living victorious lives, and effectively carrying out the call of God for their lives.

We have well thought out and planned courses that are set to transform men and women spirit, soul, body and calling. Empowering them to live purpose and kingdom focused lives and equipping them to become significant kingdom leaders and to make impact that cannot be erased in their generation.

Our faculty is filled with passionate men and women that have been tried and tested in leadership and ministry. Both within and outside the home ministry.

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