Every man was created with a seed of greatness, potentials, abilities and capacities, and even if he lived 100 years he couldn’t exhaust the enormous potentials within. However, life truly begins when one begins to live intentionally. I believe young people have a huge opportunity to design the future they desire. You have time to your advantage so you must maximize your life now. Here are a few things I have learnt over the years that can help you navigate through life, accomplish

As a young person, your greatest asset is not your strength, but your mind, your time, and your potential. You must invest well in yourself. God gave us two precious gifts, time and potential. What you do with your potentials and gifts in the space of time will determine who you become, and what you can do. Time is not money, but time is life, how you use it will determine if you will be successful or unsuccessful. Invest time wisely in becoming a rich stock able to create value and wealth over time or waste it on frivolities, and watch your potentials ebb away with time. Growth is the key!

Money should never be the primary motivation or determinant of the kind of life you live or the job or work you do. As a young person, you should seize every opportunity to learn and grow even if you have to work for free. Your priority should be to learn as much as you can, while you are still young. Your value working in the labor market would be based on who you become through quality investment in yourself, what you know based on how you have given yourself to learning, and the skills you have acquired over time. I see many adults get stuck working a job they are unhappy with, yet they do not dare to make a change because of the salary they get, so stay on, year after year, losing value, and frustrated. In my book “Lessons Wealthy People Teach their Children” you may click here to preorder, I mentioned that wealthy people are long-term oriented, they practice what is called delayed gratification and teach their children the same. Never get a job to earn but to learn what would be needed for your future as certain experiences you gain can position you to be a Global Brand. Be an ardent learner!
In my book, Find your Gold, I quoted one of my favorite quotes, “Seek gold, and gold will find you”. When you focus on developing your capacity, gold will gravitate toward you. Gold always responds to growth, be a growth enthusiast. Personal growth is a major path to becoming and maintaining your relevance in your generation. You are your greatest investment, if you cannot invest in yourself, no one would. One of the ways to grow is to read quality and perhaps recommended books. A quote I love so much says it this way “a man is defined by the books he reads and the environment he creates around himself “. Everyone needs a growth environment that can propel them towards the achievement of their life goals as well as birth the best version of themselves. Click here to learn more about the Young Rich Rulers Network, a platform where I mentor and empower young people toward financial freedom and global significance According to the Law of Wealth Creation, you are already loaded with all you need to succeed, however, most people are ignorant and blind to the vast resources that are within and around them. Reading opens your mind and enhances your thinking faculty.
You can learn more about this in my book Find Your Gold, click here to get your copy
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