Please take good care of your physical, emotional and mental health and your general well-being. You are a spirit, but you also have a soul, that needs care
Here are 10 things to start doing today to simplify your life and start enjoying the life that Jesus paid a huge price to give to us.
John 10:10 Ampc
1.Take time to worship and cast your cares on God, knowing that the Holy Spirit is your Comforter, Guide, your strengthener, your support system, your encourager, and your lot in this life.
He is the One at work in you….let Him do His work which includes taking care of you as you take care of others.
2. Take time to rest and replenish as you run. Create systems to help you rest effectively. REST IS IMPORTANT TO FINISH STRONG

3. Don’t put unnecessary pressure yourself, flow with the Spirit. You can’t finish the race in one day. Learn to enjoy your process of growth, the process is as important as the end result.
4. Take time to meditate and grow strong in the word of God. Let the word of God be real to you. Take time to digest it, not just some knowledge in your head. Go for spiritual and practical understanding of the word you hear

5. Make prayer priority, not as a routine, not on the go, but as your special hiding place. This is where your strength is renewed and you receive grace for the race.
6. Take time to play and laugh. (Not social media) Find “healthy” things and recreations you enjoy and create time to enjoy your life in the midst of your busyness

7. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Watch your temper, emotion and tongue, stop majoring in the minor, and let things go easily. Forgive, overlook, believe the best about everyone, trust more…It’s for your spiritual and mental health.
8. Create time to connect with people you love, family, friends (in values and purpose), it refreshes our souls enormously. Relationships are Gods precious gift to us

9. Create time to read to learn skills. This sharpens your mind as well as empowers you for effectiveness in life. Success on this side of eternity requires skills. Reading to gain skills to sharpen your effectiveness in life and ministry is important to what you will be able to achieve.
10. Be a child, everyday, don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at your mistakes and shortcomings. I know you are seriously going somewhere, but it takes the child in you to get you there whole and joyfully. Peace must be your watch word. Whatever steals your peace must be addressed.

God bless you, as you simplify your life for greater peace, joy, effectiveness and impact in the next level of your race.
Cheers to our simplified and effective life.
With Love,
Dotun Arifalo