Where do I start from? Honestly, joining WPB has been a rewarding experience. Even though the first few weeks I thought it was a very difficult thing to keep up with. But as my eyes of understanding became more fruitful, I had to bend my mind and control my day to start it right. I get to consciously and intentionally spend time in prayer throughout the week. I have been challenged by the mantra ‘no excuses’ – yes I agree! I am now deliberate about my spiritual well-being and growth. I am a work in progress but I will not relent, I will keep on pushing on, becoming more like Jesus my Master.
I appreciate my big Sis for inviting me – Deaconess Buchi, I love you.
Pastor Dotun, you are awesome! Thank you PD for allowing God to use you mightily, I pray for more grace, unction, and anointing! You will never see a better yesterday. You and your family are under divine cover and preservation.
Amore loves you!