Everyone was created to be a success. When you look at the vast resources and wealth on the earth, you will agree with me that the Creator did an excellent job of making provision for everyone on earth. There are enough resources to go around for everyone to become wealthy. We live in an abundant universe, where scarcity is only a figment of man’s imagination, it is man-made. We are loaded with gifts of enterprise that no one truly needs a job to thrive in life but to harness the gifts of gold within them. It is natural for us to express the wealth within us because wealth is not money but potential. However, the distractions of self limiting beliefs and lack of understanding of how we function and what is within us have robbed us of the vast opportunities that lie around us. We must therefore grow into who we are originally : wealthy, healthy and happy.

Success in life depends more on the quality of the person you become than on the things you acquire or do. When you focus on becoming than acquiring, you will end up with more things than you can imagine.
Success is a function of laws and not luck. There are laws that govern life and good understanding of these laws will determine how well they work for you. Laws are no respecter of persons, economies, or nations. But, they respond to people who respect them.
The Law of Cause and Effect which is the law of all laws states that “for every result in life, there must be a cause.” Nothing just happens by itself; everything is activated by a cause or a reason. This is why “luck” is only in the vocabulary of a person who cannot think and lacks creativity. In essence, for every failure there’s a reason and for everyone who succeeds, there is also a reason. No law operates by itself. It works for everyone who understands it and cares to practice diligently.

You can find out more principles of success in my book Find Your Gold which I wrote intending to help you find the real ‘You’. I believe deep within everyone is a fearless warrior, a world champion, and a Success. I’m rooting for you always.