Embarking on the journey of marriage is a significant step that requires self-reflection and intentional preparation. To help determine your readiness for this life-altering commitment, consider these essential questions:

1.Who am I?
Understanding your identity is fundamental. What defines you as an individual?
2.What are my values?
Identify your core principles and beliefs that guide your decisions and actions.
3.What is my purpose? Where am I headed?
Clarify your life goals and the direction you’re headed towards.
4.What are my priorities?
Recognize the aspects of life that hold the utmost importance to you.
5.Do I have fears I need to deal with?
Addressing and overcoming fears is crucial for personal growth and a healthy relationship.
6.Do I have a spiritual authority over me that I’m accountable to?
Consider the accountability structures in your life.
7.Do I have bad habits or wrong attitudes?
Acknowledge and work on any negative habits or attitudes that may impact your relationship.
8.Do I have a mindset that is mediocre?
Evaluate your mindset and strive for a positive and growth-oriented outlook.
9.Am I well positioned for destiny fulfillment?
Reflect on your readiness to fulfill your life’s purpose and potential.
10.Do I trust God absolutely in key areas of my life?
Assess your level of trust in God and His guidance in crucial aspects of your life.
Navigating this self-discovery journey is essential, and seeking guidance from a trusted pastor or mentor can provide valuable insights. Recognizing that God desires to be the foundation of your identity and self-worth is crucial. When you can derive your esteem from Him, you are better equipped to contribute positively to a relationship.

The Wholeness Test:
Wholeness is the state of being complete and secure in oneself, not relying on others for fulfillment. To love another, you must first achieve a state of wholeness. Individuals who have not dealt with past traumas or rejection may inadvertently bring baggage into relationships, creating potential harm.
If you’ve experienced rejection or abuse in your past, seeking healing is imperative. Unresolved issues can negatively impact your relationship, making it crucial to address personal challenges before committing to a partnership. Remember, “hurting people hurt people,” and by addressing your own issues, you prevent becoming a stumbling block to someone else’s happiness.

For a more comprehensive Wholeness Test, consider exploring the insights provided in my book. Click on the link below to purchase and embark on a journey toward self-discovery and readiness for a fulfilling relationship.