One of the best way to invest in yourself is by reading books. Readers are leaders and leaders are readers. Be an avid reader and learner. When I say read books I do not mean your academic books alone, read personal development books that can help you become self aware thereby leading to your ultimate transformation. When you read books what you are doing is building your mental muscles. Mental muscles when strong produce blockbuster ideas that can change your world, even the whole as a whole. Your mind is your greatest asset, every innovation you see today started in the mind first. Everything is created twice, in the mind and then physically. Reading positions you to effectively run the greatest engine the world has ever seen, the mind. Your mind is such a powerful tool to waste. Read! - PAY YOURSELF FIRST AFTER GOD (YOUR TITHE)
Only a fool spends all the Bible says. Pay yourself first after paying your tithe. Honor God with your seed and then honor your future self. Saving is a habit of highly effective and successful people. Whenever you earn pay yourself first by saving for future opportunities that come as investments. Cultivate saving culture. I hear many young people say but I don’t have enough, how can I save? If it’s not enough then not saving would not make it enough so why not just save? Remember, you’re not saving for the rainy days you are saving for future investments that can multiply your money over time. - MASTER A SKILL
Learn a skill and be an expert at it. Don’t be a jack of all trade who masters nothing. Master something and be the best at it. Don’t subscribe to laziness, procrastination and the distraction that has plagued many people, be focused. - SUBMIT TO MENTORSHIP
Mentorship is one of the greatest leverages in life, maximize mentorship. Life is harder trying to figure out everything yourself. Follow other people who have gone ahead of you and are getting the results you desire. You can join my network , the Young Rich Rulers Network A 360° life mentorship network where we mentor under 30 youths to attain the millionaire status before age 30. No man is an island, every man is a product of another man. - CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS BASED ON VALUES
Birds of the same feather folk together. Your company will determine what accompanies you and the kind of results you get in life. Be intentional about choosing those you surround yourself with. Choose your friends based on the similar values, goals and vision you share. Eagles don’t mingle with chickens, they have their own peculiar class. Avoid naysayers.
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Thanks for the post